Halloween is great, but October is really known for hosting the ever-intense MLB Postseason. There's really no other way to describe the emotional rollercoaster than Brooklyn's finest, Jake Peralta.
He perfectly describes the ups and downs of the journey to the off-season.
1. When your team clinches a spot in the postseason.
No matter who your team is (as long as it's the Los Angels Dodgers), it's always exciting when your team clinches a spot in the playoffs.
2. The moment you can't wait to rub it into the haters' faces because your team just proved them wrong.
There's nothing like celebrating a sweet, sweet victory in front of the very people who said it wasn't going to happen.
3. All those times you declare a new best friend just because they're sporting the same cap or jersey.
EXCLUDING Bandwagoners. No one likes them.
4. You're walking on clouds and almost nothing can bring you down because it's October!
Big things in baseball are happening this month and your team is apart of it.
5. Until you realize that the first game is about to start and the closer you get to the first pitch, the more aware you become about how invested you are into the postseason.
What are you getting yourself into? Well, your heart can break at any moment. It's the same feeling you get when you're so excited you might throw up.
6. But it's your team so you feign confidence anyway!
If you're not confident in your team, why are you even watching?
7. Not even a full inning in and the Umpire manages to become the real enemy with their bogus calls.
In case you were wondering, the strike zone doesn't change with every pitch.
8. And then your pitcher is thrown off rhythm and you're on edge.
Yes, the players have to hit but don't go giving away runs, okay? Thanks!
9. And of course, the pitching coach doesn't want to do their job.
First, he doesn't go out there when the pitcher actually needs help. Then, after he's already given away runs, he goes to the mound and nothing changes.
10. You’re going crazy yelling at the TV about how this might be your last season rooting for your team, but then you think about what you just said.
C'mon! Your team might be in a bit of a bind, but you're not going to stop rooting for them. You're die hard and you know it.
11. And when your team is up to bat and gets a lead off home run, your faith is fully restored.
It's not that you ever really doubted them, but...I mean, let's be real. It's playoffs and anything can happen.
12. So, your team has taken the lead and now you're so emotional you don't know what to do.
Whoever said there's "no crying in baseball" obviously had never been a fan of a team in postseason, just saying.
13. But you come back and somehow, it's tie-game.
You were literally gone for 0.2 seconds and now you can't leave the room for the rest of the game because you're superstitious and the game owns you.
14. Now, it's anybody's ballgame and you think you might go insane.
It's possible that the off-season will be good for you, but you're not ready for the season to be over.
15. Your team starts pulling through with their bats and you think you might survive this.
Everything is looking good. It's all good! Nothing to worry about here.
16. And then it happens! Your team wins the game!
You may have just survived the longest heart attack ever and that's a good reason to celebrate. Also, your team just won and they live to see another game!
17. And though you think you can be humble for a bit around fans of the losing team...
No one likes a sore winner, right?
18. You are way too excited to care because your team won and no one can take that away from you.
There's no 'I' in team, but I was right and my team deserves to be here...so I'll award myself for that.
19. Not even the internet trolls that try to get at you for your happiness.
Yeah, you can go all night defending your team against those trolls until they admit defeat...or just don't respond.
20. Nor your friends that don't understand baseball who try to tell you "it's just a game."
No one sleeps in the postseason and no one wants negativity. Haven't you heard we're superstitious? My family has a Dodger gnome sitting on our mantle and we've had it there every year that they've clinched the postseason the last 6 years. Go Beast Gnome, make us proud!
21. But once the adrenaline wears off, you realize that it was just ONE game.
You still have to win the series to get to the next round of playoffs and that one to get to the world series.
22. We know full well that baseball is probably going to be the end of you.
Even though it might kill you this time.
Good luck to you and your team. You know, as long it's the Dodgers.