First Unboxing As A Jadelynn Brooke Representative | The Odyssey Online
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First Unboxing As A Jadelynn Brooke Representative

Let's take a look


I am so happy to work with this brand and they are not disappointing! Y'all go check out their website and let me know what you like!

Sloth Life Tee

This tee is amazing. As soon as I opened the box, this tee caught my eye. One of my favorite animals is a sloth, so I was very excited to see it in my first box. This top is apart of the new JLB vacation collection. The tee says "I didn't choose the sloth life, the sloth life chose me." The island reef heather short sleeve is the perfect material and also has a front pocket. It's so cute, and I can't wait to wear it!

I'm Still Weekending Tee

This tee is so cute and has the perfect material. You can dress it up or you can even wear it as a work out tee. The light grey color is perfect to mix and match. The v-neck adds something different to the tee. The lightweight material is perfect for spring and will be so cute with a simple pair of jean shorts!

Anchor Athletic Shorts

These coral shorts are so cute! They are perfect for a chill day out or working out. The shorts are fully lined on the inside and also have an inside pocket to store small items. It also has an elasticized band to stretch or you can tie them tighter. The material is amazing and will be perfect for the spring weather.

A Spiral Notebook

The spiral notebook will be perfect for my spring semester at Mississippi State University. The mint color of the notebook has the perfect contrast to the pink words. It says "You can change the world, girl! You really, really can!" On the inside it has two pockets to store other paper. It says "Just a girl on a mission." The quotes are so uplifting and can really change your day for the better.

A Grace Always Wins Tie Back Tee

The light grey tie back tee is perfect for sitting back and relaxing in. The grace always wins written in two different fonts which make for an appealing contrast. The short sleeves are cuffed and have a bit of a distressed look to them. The tie back has a bit of a drop back with Jadelynn Brooke written in cursive at the bottom. This top is so cute, and I was so excited to have this item in my box. I have had my eye on this item since it was released.

Jadelynn Brooke Rep 2019 Tee

This tee is so cute and allows me to show that I am a rep for the company. The blue tee has the perfect contrast for the pink and yellow color blocked letters. The letters have a 3D feel to it with different color shadowed backs. I am so excited to wear this tee for Jadelynn Brooke.

Jadelynn Brooke Confetti Logo Flag

This flag is so cute and is now displayed on my wall. The Jadelynn Brooke logo stands perfect in the middle with a perfect amount of color surrounding it. The dark blue, mint and pinks are the perfect colors to showcase the logo.

A few items I have had my eye on include:

- #JoBros short sleeve v-neck tee

- I'd Rather Be At Hogwarts short sleeve pocket crew tee

- Pom Pom Hoodie Pullover

- The JLB Sports Bra Collection

- Live Everyday long sleeve crew neck tee

- Magical Girl In A Muggle World long sleeve crew neck tee

- Royally Obsessed long sleeve crew neck tee

- TSL Mama Raised Me Right short sleeve v-neck tee

- 3HH Candles

- 3HH Confetti Party Tumbler

- 3HH Happy Felt Board

I am so happy to work with this brand and they are not disappointing! Y'all go check out their website and let me know what you like!

Until next time



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