The 2016 presidential election is quickly approaching, and this will be my first opportunity in my lifetime to vote in a presidential election.
I grew up in a home where political discussion was welcome and presidential debates were watched in every room of the house with popcorn in hand, while my dad paced the floor the entire time with a mix of emotions boiling at the surface. My parents even took me and my brother to the polling place in elementary school to show us what the voting process is like and how important it is to vote as a U.S. citizen.
They taught me to do my research before supporting a candidate and to continually read the news to stay in touch with the world's current events. Most importantly, they taught me that watching four people scream at each other on a major news network channel to get their point across is not news. I've learned from my parents that I have to be intentional in my voting and in my political views. I registered as a senior in high school once I turned eighteen, and it was my first official "adult" moment,
So, now my time has come to do my civic duty and voice my political opinion by voting for the next president of the United States of America--the person who will represent this nation for the next four, possibly eight years.
I have waited my entire life to cast my vote, and these are my options?
I feel as though it is less of a vote in the presidential election, and more of choosing the lesser of two evils. But, isn't this the case in every election? Party affiliation aside, these campaigns in the last year have been full of embarrassing moments from candidates on both political parties--from Donald Trump bullying Megyn Kelly via Twitter to Hillary Clinton claiming she had no idea where Bernie Sanders was when she was advocating for healthcare in 1993 and 1994. Turns out, Sanders was literally standing right behind Clinton during that very speech she was referring to.
Some may think that these mistakes are simply trivial and unimportant, but when taking a step back, any of these people could potentially be the next leader of the free world. It's honestly terrifying if I think about it for too long.
I've concluded that not voting is just not an option for me. Before November, I will have to do some serious soul searching to confidentially cast my vote for the next president. I would be lying if I said I haven't lost sleep over this decision, a decision I believe many Americans don't take seriously enough.
To register to vote or to find out where your polling place is located, visit this website: