Christmas time is drawing closer and it really is the most wonderful time of the year. Presents are handed out, the food is good, and Santa Claus is coming to town. The kids are all excited and the adults are finishing up on wrapping presents.
The other good part is spending time with our families and getting drunk. Preferably having glasses of champagne for celebration or some ice cold beers with the boys. I don't really know what is wrong with me, but ever since I have turned 21, I always come back to the alcohol now that I can legally buy it. And trust me, I have a whole plan on what I will be buying myself for New Years.
However, my mom still wants me to calm down and take it easy with the drinking. She says that she doesn't want me to develop a habit because of our family history with drinking, but it also shows how much my mother cares about me. And for that I agree with her and respect her rules. Of course, she doesn't mind if I drink some type of alcoholic beverage. She just wants me to take it easy, especially when the company we have will be family members who I haven't seen in a very long time.
So for that matter, I say this to everyone who is 21 or over. Please be careful this time of year. I get it, we all want to have a good time and have a few drinks, but we don't want to turn this good times into bad decisions. Make smart choices this year and don't just do it for your sake, but for your families sake as well. A lot of people are out on the roads this time of year and their is a possibility of some people having a little too much.
It is important that we take care of ourselves and make sure that everyone is safe to drive home and also not puking in another person's bathroom. This isn't a personal fear that I have. I am sure that their are people who make the right decisions, but others may need to hear this before they go out and try to have the time of their lives.
When you're a college student, you do always try to live in the moment, but you may never know how long that moment is going to last. And besides, we have our whole lives ahead of us to look forward to. Again, I'm not saying that we shouldn't drink and have a good time. I'm just saying that we should be careful and to take it easy on the alcohol this year. In other words, for those of you who our over the drinking age, please drink responsibly this holiday season.
If you do this, you will keep everyone around you safe and you are still bound to have control and a good time over the Holidays.