Substantial ground was covered in twenty-seventeen, if I do say so myself.
And reminiscing has me in my head. So, I write. And I’ve left quite a few thoughts “on tab” with a few notes left in drafts, so I may be cranking some blogs out. Try to keep up.
2018 will bring "more writing and raving", so I tell myself. Expression through written language and the encompassing art of music- two outlets that hav chosen me as relievers and beneficiaries.
But the excitements and anticipations of twenty-eighteen are for another article, so stay tuned, if you would.
2017. What would I do without you? You changed my life.
2017 brought people into my life that would be sucked right out again- some never to return:
Oh, the nightmarish ex step-father; my first serious relationship ending as a seemingly pixelated picture and with personal issues never dealt with; the heart-wrenching release of my brother to his deployment and the oh so random, sly, past relationships which made attempts at weasling themselves back in. Not all pretty nor pleasant, but nevertheless constructive and protrusive. Each relationship put life, love, emotional and mental discipline into perspective. Each reconstructed the value I need put on family, friendships and those in which I need eliminate.
Can anyone relate?
2017 brought my best friend and I closer than we have ever been:
Through the concerts, the traveling, music browsing, the coffee dates, the dinner dates and what we do best- just being ourselves. I hope to never call another my soulmate best friend.
2017 reassured me of the other best friends in my life:
Those whom have, somewhat subtly or all at once, found themselves in my life by shear happenstance or by grand design. Those whom havestuck by me through divorces, transfers, deployment, breakup, Stanley cup finals, Grey’s anatomy marathons, the effortless life conversation and the sorts- you know who you are. thank you.
2017 showed me more of myself than I was willing to admit.
2017 allowed for new outlets and new relationships.
2017 proved time and time again that our world needs Jesus.
2017 screamed, even more so than last year, that the world is chaotic and beautiful and simultaneously terrifying and riveting.
And one day there will be no more war; no more crying, no more violence no more longing. True and complete peace; a peace that surpasses all understanding.