I have been single for so long that I would consider myself to be a very patient person. Well, patient with this one particular thing. I have lasted through years of sitting on the sidelines and gazing into that very obscure horizon for Mr. Right. I have had a couple of guys where I thought, "hey this guy might be a good match" or "hey mister I think we'd be good", but to no avail.
I'm not complaining. I'm not sitting over here whining that I am single and alone and my only companionship is Netflix and takeout Chinese. Okay, I complain sometimes but that's normal, right? Right. I'm not letting my indefinite single-dom wreck my existence and ruin my life. It does get annoying sometimes when I see all of my friends loved up, but I don't let their happiness convince me that I am lacking some.
There is one thing however that I will complain about and forgive me, because I am about to step on my soap box.
I cannot stand when all a guy wants to do is rush you. It seems like everything is a race! Why can't we slow down and enjoy the ride? Why can't you just give me the time I need because I promise you, if you keep rushing, I will run. Fight or flight baby.
It also frustrates me when a guy seems to think I'm not interested because, once again, I'm not moving at the same pace as them. I'm convinced that being single for as long as I have can make a person anxious and cautious. The same goes for anything you know nothing about. I proceed with caution because guess what, I have never had my heart broken and I have never put myself out there in that way.
So, give me a break. Give me a chance to move at my own pace and start a relationship with you. I think I can be a pretty great girlfriend, but if I feel overwhelmed and rushed, I won't want to move forward with anything. Now, if I am moving so slow, you are starting to believe I'm a grandma, go ahead and give me a push but don't be a jerk about it.
If you really want my attention and love, fight for it a little. Don't just expect me to fall into your arms because, despite my lack of experience, I'm pretty sure that's not how it works.
Stepping down from the soapbox now.