You know that person that seems to know somebody everywhere you go? Yeah, I'm definitely one of those people. For as long as I can remember, I've been somewhat of a "floater".
From the time I was a little, I was always involved in things. Whether it be youth group theater or anything else, I always have enjoyed staying busy. While a lot of people find an activity and mainly stick with those group of people, I just never did. I still made friends within all those activities, but I never stuck to just one group.
Some people may criticize and say that it's hard to establish close relationships when you are constantly floating from group to group, and that is a fair and valid point. Floating forces me to work harder, but I believe that it has also broadened my horizons and forced me out of my comfort zone. This has resulted in developing relationships with people who are different than me and that I might not have otherwise met.
Sometimes it is hard. At times I don't feel like I'm "in" because I get excluded from things or somebody forgets to invite me to something because I'm not always around. At times like that, I get the feeling that maybe I should stop floating and devote all my time to being involved in a certain activity so I feel like I'm "in." But then I always think to myself as long as I have developed at least one close relationship through that activity or group, then it's more than worth the time that I do dedicate to that certain activity or group. It's all about quality not quantity.
Of course when you get many different types of people together to celebrate a special occasion like a birthday, it's not always going to be easy. No, not all of my different friends get along or like each other, but for the most, part they will try to suck it up on those occasions. While "friendship matchmaking" doesn't always work out in my favor, sometimes I am pleasantly surprised. I definitely thought that two of my best friends were gonna to majorly clash when they met, but instead, the two of them are now also close friends. Things like that make me happy that I float around. It has definitely worked vise versa too. I have met friends through other friends who I have also become close with.
By being a floater in life I've developed friendships with people not only all over my state, but all over the world. This especially proved true when I was in the Disney College Program last year. I didn't just hang out with my roommates all the time or just my co-workers. I've noticed that a lot of people on the college program choose one or the other. I've always refused to choose.
Floating and refusing to choose has landed me with knowing a very diverse and large amount of people in my twenty three years of life. But I honestly wouldn't have it any other way.