The left side claims to be all about the success of “women in the workplace” and their march for equality last month showed that. But how far are they really willing to go if they constantly bash a fellow female? Ivanka Trump, known for her famous, and now presidential, father has been the subject of liberal criticism.
Most recently, a hit has been taken out on her clothing line. Multiple stores such as Nordstrom, TJMaxx, and Neimann Market, have announced they will no longer be carrying her line. On top of that, many Trump protestors have voiced their opinions on not supporting Ivanka Trump and her line as well.
That leads me to the overall question: Are the liberal female groups truly pro-women? Does every woman deserve the chance for success? They claim they do - but their actions in no way reflect that. It appears to be exclusive of everyone that doesn’t agree with their rhetoric. The daughters of former-President Obama were off limits to the press. Not so for the current President; dobecause he is a Republican, his daughter is open to the ridicule of the left and the press.The boycott originated in October by Shannon Coulter. Right after the “Trump Tapes” came out, she started a campaign called “Grab Your Wallets.” It suggests to shoppers that they should stay away from all Trump products whether that be hotels, wineries, or in this case, Ivanka’s clothing line. There is even a spreadsheet dedicated to maintaining what brands are “Trump supporting.” It’s gained more recognition as more top retailers join the boycott in dropping Ivanka’s line. While they are free to speak and do as they wish, is the hypocrisy not obvious?
The Grab Your Wallet campaign zoomed in on Ivanka in light of what they saw was the use of her father’s campaign to advertise her brand. Though, who wouldn’t use all that media attention to advertise something you worked hard on? All she’s done is wear her clothing line, showcasing the class and professionalism of her creation.
Nordstrom rebukes the comment that they are not “boycotting” the brand, that their choice to remove it was simply due to the “decline in sales,” but the timing is quite coincidental and in line with lots of other retailers. Not to mention that just days before the line dropped, the presidents of Nordstom sent a critical email bashing the President’s ban on immigration. Judge Jeanine Pirro gave a good point in saying, “They could have done it quietly, phasing it out. Instead, they chose to publicize it.” Pirro goes on and stresses that the same feminists who marched for strong, independent women, are the ones who are trying to suppress another who “epitomizes every quality they claim to champion.”
A zoom in on Ivanka’s line: Women Who Work. The clothing line is for working women, around ages 25-34. A closer look at the clothing displays beautifully, elegant pieces for any woman to wear around. It shows a very strong, and powerful look. Something every woman needs in her closet. Her company is one of 10% of businesses in the United States that offers paid maternity leave, which has been a huge issue that the left side has been petitioning for.
Completely boycotting this brand and every store that carries it is completely absurd and hypocritical. Ivanka Trump is her own person who just happens to have “Trump” as her last name. She’s worked hard to get where she is and just because she’s jumped at a few chances to move higher in the workforce doesn’t make her a criminal. It makes her a successful, business woman. Something that all Democrats claim to fight for but apparently, only if you hold similar political views.
Ivanka isn’t the first conservative woman to be trashed by the left. Condoleza Rice, the Secretary of State was highly criticized. Many didn’t like her since she was simply a part of the Bush administration. Ted Rall, a political cartoonist, went as far as to question her racial identity. He was quoted suggesting that she, “needs to be sent to an inner-city racial re-education camp.” In his viewpoint, one can’t be black and conservative.
Carly Fiorina took many hits when she ran for President. Headlines such as "Carly Fiorina is the worst thing to happen to women since the Agricultural Revolution”, and "Now that everyone loves Carly Fiorina, let’s remember why she sucks". One can have an opinion of someone, but constantly bashing the type of woman that you claim to support, is two-sided, and just plain mean.
Laura Bush is another prime example that the hate for conservative woman from the left goes too far. From Twitter to news articles, the former first lady is always put under a spotlight and thrown metaphorical tomatoes at in the form of words. Comments such as, “I hate her more than her idiot husband", “I hate the way she tilts her head when she talks,” “I hate her accent,” and “I can’t stand her fake smiles and fake sincerity”.
Instead of always dividing and separating people, why not use Ms. Trump as an example for women in the workforce. There are any number of women on the right who are successful in business and the workplace that the left chooses to ignore because they are hypocritically “intolerant” simply because these women hold opposite views to theirs. Should they not be celebrating the success of women despite what political beliefs they hold?
Nobody is proposing you have to go and spend all your money on Ivanka's clothing line, nor am I saying we should all boycott stores that refuse to carry it. Let’s just acknowledge how strong of a woman and how successful she is -- die down with the hate. The world sees enough of it already.