Dear Ivanka,
It seems like 2016 has been a crazy combination of two things: police brutality and the Presidential election. I'm sure at one point in this election season you've either turned on the news to listen in on some crazy thing Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton happened to have said or you turned the channel to actually listen to them both speak and where they put their support on important topics such as gun control and foreign policies. If you happened to turn on the TV in time to see Trump speak, you may have recognized or questioned who that tall, beautiful, blonde woman was. For those of you who knew without question, I'm talking about Ivanka Trump.
1. She's a Well Informed and Easy Speaking Presenter
2. As A Woman, She Speaks Up for Us
3. She'd Be the Perfect Vice President
On Live! with Michael and Kelly last year, Donald spoke out about the matter stating, "I have to say, I'm kidding because the press will then go with it: 'Trump wants to make Ivanka vice president. They'll make a big deal … Although she would be good, I will say." Senator Bob Corker of Tennessee also told NBC News, "His best running mate by the way would be Ivanka."
4. She Stands Her Ground...Even in a Room Full of Men
In a world with so many male leaders and so litter justice for women, Ivanka comes in and lets it show that while you may not share her gender, she is not intimidated. There is no doubt that she would not let herself be pushed around by other leaders of foreign nations and let herself come out as anything other than on top. Paired with a VP who excels in politics, there is no mistaking that she could do just that - run the world. (Sorry, I couldn't not pass up the opportunity to include that!)
5. Not Only is She Quite the Worker, She's Quite the Mother and Wife
She has been present in many family events and many professional events, also. She has been campaigning with her father this whole election season and even welcomed her third child, Theodore, earlier this year. With a picture perfect family and her hands-on attitude in every aspect of her life, it is hard to see her as anything but fit for being our President.
6. International Relations Seem To Be A Breeze
She already travels the globe for Trump Enterprises, so why not add Presidential duties to that rationale? She is in charge of meeting with and dealing with many other foreign leaders so as POTUS it would be nothing new for her. Maintaining positive relationships with these other leaders is something that would seemingly be nothing short from easy if she were in Office. She can thank her negotiation skills from her father, Donald, but she must have gained her class and respectfulness in that negotiation somewhere else.
7. She Carries Class and Eloquence in Everything She Does
While she is both timeless and classy, she is also professional and passionate. She is a very determined young woman and that would go fair in the White House. It is what this country needs to see again. We do not need another President to give us doubts about where their loyalty lies.
Regardless the outcome, hopefully we can plan on seeing Ivanka in the White House this coming 2020. Who knows? Maybe she'll even bring her brothers along for the POTUS ride! The three of them together seem like the greatest combination of what this country needs again.