For as long as I can remember (i.e. since approximately the seventh grade), my body type has been noticeably different from those of my peers and especially from those portrayed in the media. Why, might you ask? It could have been that I was lanky and looked like Skeletor for the entirety of my high school career, but what seemed to be the most noticeable was the fact that I was destined to have the build of a twelve year old boy for the rest of eternity. Not only that, but it was hard notto notice. I spent years struggling with the fact that the latest trendy styles never seemed to look right on me, and every formal dress that I ever purchased needed to be taken in before I even felt comfortable wearing it outside of a dressing-room closet. It seems like such a minuscule problem looking back on it, but as a typical high school student with body-image issues, some days it seemed downright devastating.
Flash forward a few years and things haven't exactly changed, at least not physically. As a less-than-generous B cup, I still look nothing like the over sexualized women labeled by the media as "ideal." However, my perception of myself has changed greatly. Over the past few years I've learned a lot about my boobs. Being a former competitive swimmer and heavily active in theatre, I've learned to get comfortable with being dressed from head to toe or in little to nothing. Learning to view my chest as a natural extension of my body rather than an important attribute to impressing others, as so many women's breasts are unfortunately viewed as, has changed everything. I went from a girl who used to get embarrassed by and frustrated with the goods I was given to a girl who has made amends and become best friends with her breast friends (see what I did there?). But what is so great about small boobs that has changed my life for the better? Allow me to enlighten you!
1. You don't have to wear a bra. Ever.
Okay, so maybe don't actually burn your bras because those things are expensive, but having a smaller chest means you can see as much or as little of your bra as you'd like. To be fair, I fully believe anyone can go bra-less whenever they'd like because it's a free country after all, but the smaller the chest the less likely you are to need the security of that extra support a bra is supposed to provide.
2. Bralettes are your new best friend
If you don't need that extra support or security of a regular bra, bralettes will always serve as a comfortable, lightweight backup. You know, in case you don't want your nipples saying hello to everyone. They come in all kinds of fun shapes and colors and, unlike regular bras (unless you're into that sort of thing, I don't know your life), can be worn under clothes or on their own. Not to mention that they're so pretty that nobody minds if they're peeking out from behind other layers--some tops are even made specifically to be worn with bralettes underneath. Most of them are also cheaper than most standard bras!
3. Sleeping on your stomach
To be fair, this one may not be the greatest for your back, but for those of you who are determined to sleep on your stomach, having a smaller chest is the ideal. You don't have to worry about restricting your air flow or crushing your breasts, which I hear is a hazard of having a voluptuous chest.
4. Only one sports bra
Another breast-related myth I've heard of is the dreaded doubling of the sports bras. If you have a smaller chest but still love to work out, I have good news for you! One sports bra is probably the maximum you'll need, as there's much less bouncing to worry about. Some girls might even be lucky enough to forego the sports bra for a simple bralette, but the important thing is that less boobs means more choices, especially when it comes to working out.
5. Low-cut shirts
Now, don't get me wrong; there's nothing wrong with cleavage. In fact, even as comfortable as I am with my chest, I will probably still long for cleavage simply because I don't have it. However, with great power comes great responsibility. Some girls just can't rock an intensely low-cut shirt as an everyday look due to their cleavage or fear of having a fashion mishap a la Janet Jackson. No boobs? No problem! Sneak a cute bralette under there or forget the bra entirely. What might be a night-out only shirt for a bustier girl is now a cute layer for any occasion!
6.Tasteful sideboob
The nice thing about having a small chest is that those babies really aren't going anywhere. With that knowledge in mind, there are all kinds of trends whose doors open up to you (and anyone else who wants to try it, but especially you). Sideboob isn't just for celebrities, you know. Throw on some nipple pasties if you're worried about a slip or go completely free underneath; rocking that new dress never seemed so easy. It's easier to dare to be adventurous when you know you won't have two other appendages with minds of their own to keep control of.
7: More room in your bra
So many people use their bras as pockets nowadays, be it for their phone, chapstick or even money (which I would not recommend; no cashier likes money with boob sweat on it). That being said, with less boob to fill your bra, there's likely to be more room to store your stuff unless you like your bras really tight. Fun fact: some makeup is said to actually be easier to apply at boob-temperature.
8. Confidence
No matter what size your breasts are, what's most important is to learn to be happy and embrace your body. Learn what works best for you, not just by society's standards of what looks good but by what makes you feel the best. Wear two bras or wear none--nobody can decide what you can or can't wear but you. There's nothing quite like rocking the body you've been given! Be proud of your small boobs; they're the only friends who will always stay that close to your heart.