It is officially April, which means the rain showers are coming and spring should be blooming around us in no time. April is an extremely important month, as it is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Over this past weekend I came across this video while on Facebook and felt it was extremely important to share.
This video depicts a fairly normal conversation between two young men about a party they attended, except it is about way more than just their weekend. It is about rape culture.
The video, titled "Autocorrect" shows a series of texts exchanged between two friends that have certain words corrected to show the real meaning behind them. In their conversation, the word "encourage" was changed to "force" and "talking to" to "targeting." They try to blow off the situation by calling the girl who came to check on her friend a "b*tch," when she was truly a hero.
This video shows just how easily someone can ignore the signs of rape and act as if it is nothing. Consent needs to exist. If they are too intoxicated to respond, that is NOT consent. Don't just be a bystander, if you see the signs of rape, stand up and stop it before it is too late.
Remember it's on us to make a change.
For more information on Sexual Assault Awareness Month or for where to go if you need help click here.