Summer is just a few short months away and bikini season is already on its way. Stores like Target, Victoria Secret's, and Aerie already have swim suits out. Stores are reminding us that it's just around the corner. Having a summer body is the trend these days. But what do you mean by summer body? The definition of a summer body is skinny, no belly fat, and able to fit in a bikini. If you don't, then you are ugly.
This definition has been created by society as a way to make you feel bad about yourself. Let me tell you that you don't need to be skinny to be beautiful. You do not need to be skinny to fit into a bikini. You just have to be comfortable in your skin. I know what it feels like to be uncomfortable in your skin. I have a stomach and big thighs and feel like I won't look good in a bikini, but I came to realize that it does not matter what others think, only what I think.
Here are some reasons why it is okay to not have a summer body.
1. You are perfect the way you are
Like Meghan Trainor said, "You are perfect from the bottom to the top." You do not need to have a paper-thin waist and no thigh gap to be perfect. Society has these high standards that are completely stupid and make people feel like they are not worth anything. But you are perfect the way you are!
2. Nobody cares
Nobody cares about what you look like on the beach. They are more concerned about whether or not they are getting a good enough tan or watching for a future boyfriend.
3. Food is good
Food is the best thing on the planet for some people. From pasta to pizza to burgers, you have many different choices. Sweets like chocolate are hard to stay away from, especially if you are a sweetoholic.
4. exercising is not for everyone
Exercising regularly can be hard and it is not for everyone. Walking is considered exercise, so even if that's all you do, it's helping you.
5. Netflix is addicting
I know I would rather be in bed binge-watching "Grey's Anatomy" or "Charmed" than exercising or being social. It is so addicting to be on Netflix.
6. You just may not be ready
Having a summer body is great, but when you are in school, it can be hard to get to the gym all the time, since school work can get time consuming. It is okay to not be ready; you have time during the summer to get yourself to the way you want to look.