The first year of college can be a whirlwind of emotions, events, and work. When the beginning of the first semester starts, it's easy to be swept up in the excitement of everything and want to join every single club and student organization. That can be okay at first, but you can't do everything. I was one of those people who joined as many clubs as possible and now that I'm halfway through my second semester, I realized that I can't possibly keep up with all of them. I now have a heavier and harder workload and I only have time to do what I am truly passionate about.
It took me a long time to admit to myself that I can't do everything; I have the kind of personality that wants to help everyone and do every single thing that sounds remotely interesting. I've been reflecting these past few weeks about what I was truly passionate about and trying to make reasonable cuts in my life to lessen the stress. I was nervous that my passion would change and I would regret quitting certain clubs but I realized that this is one of the last few times in my life where I can truly "find myself", meaning find what truly makes me happy. I realized that clubs that pertained to politics and human rights were where I was truly happy and it would be okay to cut out some of the clubs that didn't have to do with those things.
One of the clubs and student organizations I have decided to quit is the Odyssey. I have enjoyed being able to write weekly and share my voice but I don't have the time to devote to the articles anymore.
I want to use my last article to encourage anyone who is feeling unsure about moving on to take that next step and go for it. You will never know where the future will take you. It may sound cliché but it is okay to not stick with everything and focus on what makes you happy.
So here's one last thank you to the Odyssey for giving me a voice these past 7 months.