Since receiving my bid in August, the most I've been away from my sisters is right now; the month of winter break.
A few of my pledge sisters and I talked the night we received our bids. While lying under the fish tanks at the Georgia Aquarium, we were already talking about how hard it would be to be apart for a whole month for winter break. That was my first night with those girls, and I could already feel how hard it was going to be to be away from them. As the semester went on, I grew closer not only with my pledge class sisters, but also the older girls. We were in the same classes, we ate breakfast, lunch, and dinner together every day. There was always a friendly face.
About a month after receiving my bid, I got my family. I got a grand big, a big and a twin. Honestly, I don't know how I made it 18 years without them in my life. It's difficult going from seeing them every day for 4.5 months to not seeing them for a month. Let's be real — when school gets back, they're the first ones I'm looking for!
Being initiated into the Delta Gamma sisterhood changed everything. I will forever be a Delta Gamma, and it is something I can share with sisters past, present and future. It's a special bond that only my sisters will understand.
It's winter break, and five months past Bid Day. I miss my Delta Gamma sisters, and I'm excited to experience the rest of my semesters at the Capstone with them. I can't wait to be back in the Deeg watching movies, studying, and laughing with some of my favorite people in the entire world. Even though we are currently spread out across the country, I'm counting down the days until I get to hug my sweet sister friends again. LITB.