I hate it when I hear someone say they love God and then turn around and cuss. Yeah, yeah I know. Everybody does it right? Its fine as long as society says it is.
Trust me, I know the thought process.
While this is an okay phase to go through while discovering God, once you find him and see what God says about it, you should stop.
Your wise words mean nothing if the only thing that follows you is sin. As Christians we are called to live a life worthy of Jesus.
Jesus changed lives, not just because he performed miracles but because he was different, holy, set apart. Jesus never said something uncalled for or unwise, nor did he ever let those who did fall. What I'm trying to say is that while we are called to reach out to these people, we are not called to relate to them through sin.
I have known Christians who believe it's okay to sin because it helps them fit in with the people they wish to help. But what they don't realize is that they are allowing themselves to be tempted and truly become addicted to these sins. We aren't supposed blend in with the crowd we are supposed to be the light of dark situations.
Its time for us to take that action, of being the light, of resisting temptation and not enabling it in others. If your a Christian in college, should you really be partying and getting drunk, is that really the image you should be portraying while saying you love Jesus?
That's not what Jesus would have done. If Jesus live in our day and age he would probably shut that party down and start flipping tables like he did with the pharasies. He would tell us that we were doing it all wrong, and he would be right. If you carry Jesus' name in your heart, then you shouldn't need alcohol to have fun.
I'm going to be really corny here and say; the only high I need is the high that comes from being high on the most high.
badum tiss...
God does so many wonderful things, and he does when we walk they way he asks us to. When you read the bible, you shouldn't just set it down and leave your life unchanged, you need to walk it out, you need to apply the word to your life.
when you start to apply the word to your life, you start to see God's amazing work in your life. You start to see crazy things happen! If you love Jesus, stop turning around and sinning right after you tell him that. Walk out his word, and if you sin along the way, repent, but don't sin just to sin. Just because Jesus died for our sins doesn't mean we can keep committing them after knowing God. It means that he has covered our past failures, from before we knew him and that he will be there for us when we screw up.
Its time to walk the walk.