I'll be the first to admit I always have my phone in my hand ready to send a text, check Facebook, send a Snapchat, or snap a picture of something. It is just something we are used to doing this day and age. We want to document everything we are doing, and tell everyone about it as quickly as possible. And with phones essentially being mini computers in our hands we have that power.
After being in London for only a week, there is one major thing I have noticed that is different than back home in the states (besides the accent of course). The Brits are not phone obsessed like Americans are. Yes they have their phones, yes they'll check their emails for work and make a phone call here or there. They'll listen to music on the tube and even check some social media while they're at it. But when work is over and everyone is at the pub grabbing a pint with friends and co-workers, there is not a single person on their phone. Their phones aren't in their hands, they aren't even on the table. Everyone is paying attention to each other and actually listening to what people are saying and actually engaging in conversation. Even at dinner, no one has their phones out. No one checks their phone while they're waiting for their meals, they are having conversations with the people they're with. And this continues to the night life. At the clubs everyone is dancing and enjoying themselves. No one has their phones out Snapchatting the events of the night.
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It is definitely something that takes some getting used to, but it got me thinking 'Why haven't we realized this? Why do we have such a hard time putting the phone down?' It isn't a difficult thing to do, so why can't we just put the phone in our bag or pocket? One of my biggest pet peeves is when I am trying to have a conversation with someone and they are just sitting on their phone. I'll finish talking and there is 10 seconds of silence before they say 'wait, what did you say?' or let out a laugh because they know they weren't paying attention. And I'll admit I am guilty of this every once in awhile but I try not to be on my phone when I'm with my friends or family.
So having witnessed it first hand across the pond, I'm telling you to channel your inner Brit and put the phone away. Yes there is a time and a place to document the memories you are making, but then there are other times to just sit back and enjoy the time you have with your friends. I know it's so cliché to say, but you only get so much time to spend with the people you love and enjoy hanging out with, so actually enjoy it and pay attention. Your memories of times with friends and family will be more important than that Facebook article you read or Snapchat you got.