At this time of the semester, it never fails that we all want the semester to be over. It's at the point where you really start to get tired of your classes and you keep waiting longer and longer to do assignments. So, here's college as told by Spongebob.
1) Everything actually seems like a load of barnacles
You knew the assignments, tests, and papers that were due at the beginning of the semester, however, you're now actually realizing how much work you have to do and you feel like it's a bunch of barnacles.
2) You're way too excited about the weekend because it means sleep
The week has worn you out and you're at that point where you need to sleep for at least 2 days straight. On top of that, with the season changing, it's getting cold outside, and you really start considering if you really want to go out.
3) When you finally catch a break...for a day
When you finally get a break for at least a day and you can't help but do a little happy dance to celebrate before you have to get back to work.
4) You're actually running out of money if you haven't already
If you haven't already, you've officially exhausted all of your money from your summer job, and you realize that you're broke...again. You might even panic because you know you owe people money from going out or grabbing some food.
5) You're trying to convince people that you're completely fine
You've gone mad from all the studying and continuous work and the breaks couldn't come any faster. You're losing your mind.
7) You finally make it to breaks
You've done it! You made it to break, now go relax.
So, as you may be able to tell, this semester couldn't end any quicker. Of course, we'll all continue to do our work despite us saying we're done, but we're all slowly withering away. To all the college kids who relate to this, you can do it! Breaks are coming soon.