Not only are college students ecstatic to be done with horrible finals week, but also student’s from elementary, middle, and high schools are also ready for summer!!! Summer is one of the best seasons because it’s about sunshine, warm weather, and no more schoolwork, for an entire two-three months. We all need that break from sitting in chairs in a classroom and need to get outside and enjoy the beautiful weather. Make a goal for this summer to embrace the weather and focus on the good times.
It doesn’t even matter that most of us work during the summer because we are not constantly focusing ourselves on schoolwork, but we actually have time for ourselves to relax and reflect on the year. It’s finally that time when we can pick up those extra few books we’ve been meaning to read and paint those canvases or make those bracelets that have been on your mind since the beginning of the school year. Summer is all about using your free time to do things that you really want to do and take advantage of not having the finish those papers or awful homework assignments that are due at 11:59 pm.
For some people, summer can be an even busier time than during the school year because you have to work so much. But always remember sunshine boosts people’s happiness and energy, so although you’re keeping busy find an extra few minutes to sit outside and soak up that vitamin D.
Try to take those extra road trips that you’ve been planning to do, or take those day trips when you are bored. Go to the zoo, take a day at the beach, or go hiking at the mountain you’ve been trying to get too when you could find time. Summer is about making the best and taking those chances to get the experiences that you want to better your life.
It’s summer time, so make it the most fun of it. Make those drinks and sit by the pool with your friends and chat about the year. Make goals for the summer and even the following school year (but I would save that to keep stress levels low). The point of summer is to just be you and de-stress from the busy school year. Focus on what you need to make your life the best it can be. You have amazing weather so use it to enjoy yourself.
Although summer can’t be about only free time, work and make some money so that you aren’t stressed for the following school year and trying to pick up extra shifts and staying up until 3 am doing homework at school. This is what summer is for! So remember to relax and take the edge off from school. Do as much as you can outside and as much as you can for yourself as well as with friends and family. When the Fall rolls around again you’ll be ready to get back into action with school and work and be ready to live the crazy busy life of all school students.