American Writer Richard Bach says that “The simplest questions are the most profound. Where were you born? Where is your home? Where are you going? What are you doing? Think about these once in a while and watch your answers change”.
In retrospect, I think that the same could be said for the small things of life. The things that we often take for granted. The things that we don’t waste a second though on.
What sets you free?
Causes you soul to dance with freedom. Brings you comfort from even the simplest of thing?
I once wrote about the things that anchor us. I think that something that is often overlooked is that the things the anchor us are in reality… can be as small as a pebble.
But does that make it any smaller to us? Should we let what others deem important be our only sector of acceptance for what we deem important for ourselves? No.
Mother Teresa once said “Do small things with great love”.
What sets you free?
For me, it’s the small things. Giving or receiving a unexpected compliment. Hearing my favorite song while walking through the store. Being able to talk with my parents or an old friend on the phone. Picking up something that someone may have dropped. Holding the door for someone.
The small things that can be taken for granted. That can be overlooked. This time that we have together, it’s priceless. In the mind’s eye of materialism, it’s easy to get caught up in the aspects of the larger materialistic things. But what will be there still when all those other things fade?
It’s the small things.
The things that make you feel like home. Those small things that define the aspect of you.
It’s about the small things that mean so much to you.