I have this platform to speak my truths, and to call out injustices in my country. and that's what I plan to do. Over the last four days there have been deaths in our country some say were deserving, and others feel not so much. I'm with the latter. Sometimes I can express my feeling through text but in this case it's really hard to do so. I'm angry, I'm angry because six police officers were shot and killed in the name of an organization that does not support the death of law enforcement, but the inclusion of them to ensure equality among fellow American citizens. I'm angry because two people of color were kill unjustly and one was painted out to be a criminal and a pedophile which would insinuate that his death was just. I won't bother you all with the facts but I will say this.
The past transgressions of one do not justify and end of life over an assumption. Same can be said about the Philando Castile murder. No I didn't call it a case, I called it murder. Some people would say "If you just keep you mouth shut and comply xyz wouldn't happen." In Philando's case he did, and now he's dead. So when compliance doesn't work what is there left to do but to give up. I'm at a lost for words. There are people who care about the death of a gorilla more than the death of these two men.
I'm going to share some truth with a lot of my white friends, it's scary to be black in America. I am afraid to be approached by police and I want to be an officer. Whether you like it or not, agree or disagree, black people are victimized, profiled, and discriminated against in the country by some police. I have to add bold and italic text because some will jump down my throat if I don't emphasize some, and they're right. But what happens to the system when people of the same profession can't check those who make questionable calls? Oh right, it's that "thin blue line." An officer was vocal on social media yesterday and questioned the reaction of the officers in both shootings and some of the racism in her fraternity that is law enforcement. And then was put on leave the next day.
There comes a time when officers must stop defending fellow law enforcement, and start standing up for moral justice in America. This battle between black people and police has been going for years, and it has to stop. We all have to live on this planet and if we fight each other, there will be nobody left to live on it. I want to leave you with this, A video I made just this morning about my life, and living as a black man in America. It could make some of you uncomfortable, but so be it. White America was come to grips with the idea that is very scary to be black in America. It has been for a long time.