On Wednesday, April 5th, I had the honor of being a part of a virtual town hall for It's On Us. During this Town Hall, former Vice President Joe Biden spoke to us about the It's On Us campaign and his work in the white house and beyond. It was truly an amazing experience to hear him speak about something so important across not only college campuses, but the entire world.
One in five women on a college campus will report being sexually assaulted. That is a terrifying statistic. Joe Biden was telling the people at the town all today how important it is to speak up and say something. It is on all of us to end sexual assault, end rape culture, end the violence against women.
"If you don't intervene, you are an accessory" - Joe Biden
It is a big task, I know. But everyone — and I mean everyone — can make a difference. It is everyone's responsibility to make a difference. If you see something you have to say something. No matter what. Everyone from the President of the University to the Dean of Students to professors, coaches, and professional staff to students. Everyone has the responsibility to help change this.
Biden said things have gotten better in regards to Rape Culture in the past ten years alone, but the fight is far from over. He also said the most disappointing news he received on this issues is that the violence against women 14 to mid-20s has not decreased in ten years. More reports have been made but the violence has continued. He also told everyone to make clear demands of your school to support those who share their story, and not blame the victim.
"It is never, never, never, never the women's fault" - Joe Biden
Victim blaming is common, but it shouldn't be. It is never about what the girl was wearing, how much they drank, were they dating someone, were they flirting. Joe Biden said that he wanted to create a society in which the women never asked, "why did this happen to me, what did I do?"
No man has any right to abuse a women." - Joe Biden
He went on to talk about how PTSD for the women who have been sexually assaulted. Although he had push for saying this in the past, he repeated that sometimes there is no difference from the men on the battlefield and women who has been sexually assaulted. He also went on to tell us that the CDC has found links in numerous diseases to victims. Things people ignore, constantly.
"I have tremendous faith in you." - Joe Biden
Two years ago at The Oscars, he introduced Lady Gaga to perform "Till it Happens to You." If you haven't seen this emotional video, follow this link. It will show you how important It's On Us is.
"I'm counting on you" - Joe Biden
April is Sexual Assault Awareness month. So, get involved. Hold events on your campus, take the pledge for It's On Us here. Tell someone you know about it. Share your story. Get involved. No matter for gender, sexuality, age, etc, we all can make a different. You can always do something. Even taking the pledge for It's On Us can help change and bring an end to sexual violence.
"It's on us, all of us."
For more information go to www.itsonus.org
If you are a survivor and are looking for resources go to www.notalone.gov for more information