Sometimes, when I am working on assignment after assignment, study guide after study guide, I just feel incredibly overwhelmed with all of it. I ask myself: Why did I decide to take 18 credits? Why didn't I do my homework earlier? Why do I have so much to do? I know for a fact that all of you feel generally the same way at least every once in a while. You're overwhelmed, exhausted, and just want to take a break and put things down for a bit. Every college student feels this way, and I'm here to tell you -- that's okay.
This week has been hard. A lot of close friends of mine have been hurting. It's been breaking my heart to see my friends' hearts breaking. I've been trying to do everything that I can to help them, but then I don't have time to finish my homework assignments for the night. Sometimes, after spending time with the people that I'm close to, I try to get my assignments done and I just don't have the time or energy to finish them. So sometimes, I just... don't.
I was always told that college is to get a good education, not a social life. But I've also been told that the friends that you make in college are some of the best friends you'll make during your life. And honestly, I will agree with both of those statements to a certain extent. Of course, I'm not saying that I just don't do my homework or study ever. I want to get good grades and do well, especially being that it's my senior year of college. But I also want to do everything that I can to protect my friends 'til the end of the Earth.
Still, it's often hard for me to find a balance. This week, I've honestly done little to none of the work that I should have. I almost ended up dangerously behind in some of my classes, and I spent most of my time being with friends. Today, I could have spent my evening catching back up on reading, but instead I went on a drive with a friend, just to talk and carelessly listen to music.
Sometimes, you need to take a mental health break. You don't want to become so burnt out with school that you'd be unable to finish the semester or school year.
You have to remember that your time in college is short in the long run. If you spend all of your time doing homework, like I did during my freshman year, you might just miss it. So my advice to you is every once in a while, put down that homework assignment. Put down your textbook and binge a show with your friend, spend your afternoon making dinner from scratch, or just take a drive and listen to some of your favorite music. Whether you call it social/fun time or a mental health break, it's necessary and it's okay. The work will still be there when you get back.
As my first roommate once told me, "College is more than just going to your classes, going to work, and sitting in your room."