At this time in my life, I don't know what I want in many aspects, and I'm learning to accept that that's okay. Sometimes, I have to remind myself that I'm still so young and still have a long life ahead of me. But sometimes, I also have to remind myself that every decision I make now affects my future, and to be truthful, that scares me more than anything.
I have already added a major and minor, thought about dropping my original major and even thought about starting a journey on a completely different path - one I never even considered before - and it's only been one year of college. Because of this back and forth between my desires, I have no more sense of direction in regards to my career path. I look around at friends and people my age and feel as though everyone knows exactly what they want to do, while I feel completely lost.
But I've also learned so much more about myself than I ever thought I would in my first year of college. Along with feeling pathless, I have never felt more at peace. It's a strange combination, but one that I'm proud of because I have made it further than I ever thought I would. Just because I don't know what I want right now, doesn't mean I'll never figure it out. I will figure it out... eventually.
So if you're feeling the same way, I'm here to tell you that this feeling doesn't last forever. It's okay to not know what you want. It's okay to question your own choices and decisions because you won't always make the right ones. It's okay to make huge mistakes, as long as you're ready to pick up the pieces. It's okay to break down. It's okay to feel perfectly content. It's also okay to know exactly what you want. But most importantly, t's okay to feel lost, because sometimes when you're lost, you actually find a better version of yourself.