I know what you think… there's no way that it's acceptable to not have all your crap together. But I promise, it is okay. Especially right now, with everything going on with COVID-19. I thought this was crazy when I first heard this, but it was when I met online with my teacher he told me to imagine if I didn't need to have everything ready for a certain date? Do deadlines really mean that you have your stuff together or are you just making do just to meet it?
Honestly, take a step back and look at your life: does it matter if you take a few more months or another year to figure out what you really want to do instead of just guessing for now?
I know for me, I was hellbent crazy on getting my MCAT's done, hitting application deadlines, and trying to make sure everything was perfect. I realized that it was only stressing me out more and making me even more confused about what I really wanted to do with my future. With all this chaos along with COVID-19, we don't even know what tomorrow is going to look like or if we'd even still be healthy. There's so much uncertainty in the world right now so why can't we just take a break and really reflect on ourselves for once in our life.
You can change your mind a million times, you can decide on one thing but do another, you can say you want this but end up with something else. Not everything in this life is not set in stone and that's a harsh reality that we have to face. You control your life and that means getting everything done at your time.
Take that extra year, eat that extra slice of pizza, travel the world before you finalize that choice to commit to another 4 years of hard, tiring, and extremely fast paced school. Make sure it's what you want before you slave over a book or jump into a business that you don't even like.
Make it about you.
Make sure you are happy first over whatever your family thinks, or what your deadlines are. Be certain before you do anything. You do not want to be stuck, you want to be happy. I know being unsure is so stressful but you are only human. You know the best for yourself. You know your limits better than anyone and if that means that you are "not on track" now, then it just means you'll knock it out of the park later on.