As I am nearing the end of my freshman year of college, I have realized one of the most unexpected things I could have encountered; I'm not sure what I want to do for the rest of my life anymore.
As a freshman, everyone says "It's OK. You'll have time to figure it out!" But as someone who always had a plan and an end goal in sight, I have found that not having this plan anymore is more difficult than it sounds. Tests are harder to study for, planning internships are almost impossible, and I seem to get this overwhelming anxiety that I'm wasting this time trying to "find myself."
However, instead of letting this get to me and using it as a bump in the road, I have decided to take it as an advantage. Without the borders of my past major, I now have the opportunity to explore and find my passion. I have the opportunity to try new things just for the sake of trying new things. I'm not going to let this patch of uncertainty be a waste of time, but rather a time of no regrets and spontaneity.
I am eager for the future, but also plan to live in the moment as much as possible. College is the only time where this can really happen, so I plan to make the most of it. Here's to the changeability and exhiliration these next years will bring.