Im lucky enough to have a boyfriend while in college. Not a on again off again relationship. This relationship is real and Im in it for the long haul. I get it that being single and in your twenties is fun and gives you more freedom to do what you want to do. However, my boyfriend would never keep me from living my life. He is sweet, caring and a great friend. I can tell him anything and everything without feeling judged. He doesn’t order me around and he doesn’t blow my phone up. I love our relationship. On Sundays we relax, do a little bit of homework and pig out. I might fall asleep and he might play video games. We love to just hangout and that’s what makes our relationship great.
It’s not about the gifts. I don’t need flowers every month. When I get them once in a blue moon I really appreciate it. He doesn’t have to say something super sweet every morning I wake up. I know he loves me. I know he loves me by the way he puts his arm around me. His actions speak way louder than his words. He hardly ever gets mad at me. I actually cannot remember a time when he was mad at me. I definitely am the reason why we bicker, if we do.
Our relationship isn’t perfect. We have had our ups and downs, but in the end we came out stronger.
I have met a man who is selfless. He is a great brother and son. He challenges me to be more open minded and sometimes more forgiving. He gets so excited when we go on vacation and when we get a vanilla chai tea latte from Starbucks. I think it has rubbed off on me because now I start to get more excited about the small stuff.
I honestly don’t think of him as my boyfriend. I mean yes he is my boyfriend, but he is my best friend. He is down to do whatever. He even doesn’t mind going to the mall. I mean he doesn’t mind, he would rather go eat and have a beer.
I met my boyfriend my freshman year of college. We just happened to sit next to each other in class. Fast forward years later and we have taken many classes together. We have survived the turmoil of being a science major. This year we will be celebrating two years together, three years of friendship, being college graduates and hopefully being accepted into professional school.
I am glad I have gone through college with a boyfriend. He has been by my side through everything. I have never had to worry about the "ooh does he like me" or "will he ask me out" or "geez Im always single." I mean these aren't bad thoughts, these are just stressful thoughts. I think that you dont find love, love finds you. So if you are the single college girl, dont worry Mr. Right is right around the corner.