All my life, I never really enjoyed politics. My parents never talked about it with each other nor to me. It was never around me, so I never grew up thinking about it. The first political debate I saw was when I was a young girl vacationing with my father in Washington, D.C. I couldn't even tell you who was on the TV or what they were talking about.
Now that I am in college, it's all I see. I notice all of the commercials of the candidates bashing each other. I see the tweets making fun of Donald Trump's hair and saying that he is a woman hater. I see things calling Hillary Clinton a criminal. I see people's opinions and see them trying to convert other's opinions on who they should vote for. None of these topics interest me. When I see a commercial for a presidential candidate I change the channel as quickly as I can. I scroll past the tweets and the Facebook videos. Why? No one's tweet or opinion can sway my own personal opinion. I like to think I am a very opinionated woman.
My opinion on the presidential debate? We are screwed either way. I don't really like either one of them.
I hate seeing all of the meanness on social media that people my age have been posting. Great, I'm glad that you like a presidential candidate. That's amazing, I am so glad that you support everything that they say they will do for our country when elected. The thing is, though, you do not need to constantly post negative things of the other candidate or be super demanding for others to vote for your admired candidate.
Being a young college student, I see voting pretty much shoved into all of our faces. "If you don't vote you aren't American" is something that I've been told, read, and thought about myself. We have the extraordinary privilege as American adults to be able to chose the leader of our free nation. That is something that I do not take lightly. However, I will not be voting. I do not support either candidate and I don't see why I should vote for someone that I do not support.
Also, this election season has gotten completely out of hand. I have never heard of anything like this. I'm sure it is because of the social media incline in the United States. Everyone has a Twitter– even the candidates do now. Having a Twitter fight in front of the entire nation like a couple of middle schoolers over a boy crush? Not something I would like America to be known for.
I am sure I will receive horrible messages or comments saying I should vote for Trump because "he will make America great again". I'm sorry but I think that America is still pretty fantastic even with everything that is happening. I am sure that people will say I don't support women because I am not voting for Hillary. Again, I'm sorry but I do not want someone who had some sketchy things happening with emails and classified information to run our country. I know there are the third party candidates running as well. Of course, though, I have yet to see much of anything about them. So, I say it's okay to not vote in the presidential election. Sue me.
Leslie Knope for president.