You're allowed to lose people.
This past summer was definitely a different one. I didn't go to the pool, I worked and took summer classes instead. I visited with family. I traveled. I didn't go out as much because the thought of staying home with my parents and dog seemed so much better than going out and being fake towards people from high school I couldn't really care less about. Don't get me wrong, I had my fair share of fun...
But I thought about all my friends. The ones from home, the ones from school, and just the random friendships I created. When I was younger I thought that I had to please everyone. My mom would always say, "You can't make everyone happy." She was right I couldn't, but I could try.
When my friends accomplished something I always made sure to tell them I was proud of them. When they failed, I assured them they would be okay and another opportunity would be around the corner. When something sad happened I checked in to make sure they knew I was there for them. I was there to comfort them.
But when something happened to me, where were they?
I realized I was there for some people who weren't there for me. I thought about what I could have done to make them be there for me. I couldn't have done anything different. If they really wanted to be there for me, they would have.
I never thought that losing a friend or two would be okay. After all, we were "friends" right? And for a long time for that matter. But then I put everything into perspective. I'm here for me. They're here for them. At the end of the day, you have your own back.
I know a lot of people who work extra hard to remain friends with people that only stunt their growth as a person. That's too much work. You have school, a job, a family, friends and extra activities to worry about. Don't waste your time trying to keep someone around if they're not putting in an effort too. People grow. It's okay to grow apart. Everyone changes.
The only changes you should be making are for yourself. Better yourself. Better your relationships with your family and good friends. Work hard in school. Work hard at your job. Make those extra little things habits that will better your well-being. Focus on where you want to be in life. Have goals. Have fun. Have a lot of fun actually.
Just remember, it's okay to lose people, but never lose yourself.