“It’s Okay to be White” signs have recently begun popping up all over Miami University’s campus.
These signs have been making headlines as they appear on numerous campuses across the country. Miami has not made any official statements regarding these signs specifically.
The signs were originally started by a 4chan user. The signs were supposed to expose the media and left-leaning people for apparently hating white people. They were intended to cause “lefties” to become enraged and lose their credibility politically, which would ensure the right a “massive victory in the culture war,” according to the anonymous user.
The movement has since evolved into something entirely different.
The signs have become a poor attempt to stir up more racial tension and division, and in this political climate, we already have enough of that.
Many schools, including Harvard, Tulane, and the University of Kansas have spoken out against these signs with official statements against their intentions to cause a divide. Miami, on the other hand, has yet to address the signs.
Despite the statement Miami released saying that “hatred, bigotry and intolerance have absolutely no place on our campuses or in our community” and that we must all “unequivocally reject all forms of hatred, racism, bigotry, intimidation, intolerance, and violence,” there has been nothing specifically condoning these signs from any Miami officials.
If Miami truly believes what it’s been saying in its vague emails, it’s time to take direct action against these acts.
These signs are an attempt to push back against movements like Black Lives Matter and #TakeAKnee.
The more that black people speak out about injustices and inequality they face daily in America, the more white people have decided to feel “threatened.”
Obviously, no one is trying to tell white people to stop being white. Maybe, white people, it’s time we start looking at our own actions instead of so adamantly denying and suppressing the very valid feelings of others who have been hurt by our complete disregard for how we have treated them in the past and present.
Historically, we have oppressed people of color. And, whether we accept it or not, we are still doing that. Denying these facts is ignorant and dangerous.
Since the election of President Trump, people have begun to feel emboldened. Racism is now running rampant, and we have a president who not only tolerates these behaviors and attitudes but seems to accept them.
This “It’s Okay to be White” movement has entirely missed the point. White people now feel that they are being targeted for being white when in actuality they are simply being asked to acknowledge the privilege they have been given by society.
It’s time for white people to stop making themselves victims. We should be using our privilege to stop injustices towards minorities. We shouldn’t be afraid of leveling the playing field.