As every college student knows, going out on the weekends is something almost everyone does. It becomes a rite of passage as soon as freshman year begins and lasts far beyond our college years.
Whether it's a rager where everyone's wearing glow sticks and neon tank tops or a low key get together with beer pong and good music, we've all been to our fair share.With those images in mind, I'm here to tell you why you don't need to go out every weekend if you don't want to. Many students feel a lot of pressure to go out, especially when their friends are constantly encouraging them. Even if you do turn down the invite, you're sure to see your friends snap stories and watch all that you're missing out on. This alone can be enough to make you regret that rejection.
Then you add on all of the homework that you didn't do during the school week. There's the Bio project you've been putting off that's due on Sunday at midnight, an English paper that's only have finished, and two chapters you need to read in your Econ book. You know that you absolutely have to get those done this weekend or your grades are definitely going to suffer.
Your mind is torn. Part of you wants to go and fulfill that, "you're only in college once" expectation. The other part knows that you need to recharge your batteries and take some time to focus on yourself.
Instead of hardcore stressing out about missing out on potential fun, you need to realize that one night will not make a difference in the long run. A month, maybe even a week from now, you won't even remember skipping that night. Instead, you'll thank the homework gods that you made sure your projects and papers were turned in on time because now you don't have to worry about failing grades.
Even if you don't think that any of the situations that I've described are a problem for you personally, the expectation of partying all the time is ridiculous! Enhancing yourself constantly with "liquid courage" can change how you behave in social situations, even if you're sober. It's also exhausting. No matter how much Gatorade and and aspirin you take, the hangover will eventually catch up.
Instead of partying every "Thirsty Thursday," Friday, and Saturday, spend some time with yourself. Binge watch the new season of "Once Upon a Time" because you just realized that it's on Netflix. Make yourself a fancy dinner and actually do the dishes on time for once (trust me, your roommates will notice). You could also hang out with your friends in non-party settings. In La Crosse, catching a movie at the Riv and then getting ice cream at The Pearl is never a bad idea. And even though most people would drop their jaws in shock if you told them, doing homework on a Friday night is not the end of the world. If anything, it could motivate you to get it done and relax one night so you can be that much readier for a fun Saturday night! You'll be the one laughing on Sunday when you're watching the Packers and everyone else crams homework sessions in during the commercial breaks!
Take some time to think about how staying in can be fun and going out every weekend will only burn you out. When you look back on your college years, you're going to want to remember the fun on your nights out and your nights in. Who knows what could happen unless you try?