I want to start off by telling you that if you are not okay, that’s okay. It might be because of a terrible break-up, maybe you lost someone close to you, maybe things in your life haven’t been going on the “right” path, you could be depressed, or you could be like me: everything from the spring semester is hitting you all at once and it’s creating both anxiety and depression.
Whatever your reason, I want to let you know that your feelings and emotions are valid and things are going to be okay. That’s hard to believe because of the situation you’re in right now, but trust me, things will be okay. If you have days when they aren’t, well that’s normal. It wasn't until a few days ago that I realized that.
For a while things were great for me and I was really happy, but then the semester caught up with me. Papers, tests, and projects piled up on me, all during the week I’m supposed to be enjoying myself and taking a break. This isn’t a product of procrastination, it’s a product of basic college life. I began to have depressive thoughts and a build-up of anxiety until I finally collapsed one night when I got home from work and just cried for a few minutes. After I did that, I felt so much better!
Although I realize that not everyone is going through this exact problem, I do have some tips to help you feel better and I hope that you allow yourself time to process what’s going on in your life. I hope you give yourself validation and reassurance and I hope you feel happier after doing these things.
1. Meditation
This one seems silly to some, but that might be because of how you are doing it. I don’t like to believe there is a “right” meditation pose, form, or mantra. Meditation is all about relaxing and letting go. That last thing is an important part of it; if you can’t let go in your meditation, then you haven’t fully meditated. I listen to a great podcast called Daily Meditation Podcast and on their episode titled, “Breathe and Be”, they guided me with my best meditation session yet. I cross my legs, sit on the floor, breathe in and say, "I am”, and then as I exhale I say a positive thing about myself. Listen to this podcast and learn to just let go of all of that stress day by day.
2. Talk it out.Talking through your emotions can help so much. I hope you have a friend or family member that you can turn to and talk to about anything. Get all of those feelings out, but if you don’t have that, then please call the suicide hotline at 1-800-273-8255. They’re there to talk to you if you are feeling depressed, anxious, alone, stressed, or suicidal. Also, if you are in college, check to see if your college/university offers free counseling. Most universities should have some sort of counseling option.
3. Listen to happy music.
Dance, sing, and listen to happy music! Getting up and enjoying those beats can make an impact on the attitude you have throughout the day
4. Give yourself time.
Allow yourself time to soak in the realities of the situation, stop thinking hypothetically, and remember to talk to someone! If you don’t give yourself the necessary time to expel the emotions of sorrow, anguish, or regret from your mind, then you will carry it around and be chained to those negative thoughts.
5. Be social.
This one is hard to do and isn’t for everyone. Not everyone is extroverted and likes to be social, but if you can, join a club or organization. Get involved in something that brings self-fulfillment and positive relationships into your life
It’s okay to not be okay, but just remember that nothing is forever and this pain you feel will pass. There will be positive days and there will be dismal days, but you will be okay. Please also remember that you can talk to someone who will understand you and they’re only a call away. I hope you know you are important and everything is gonna be alright.