If you feel like you do not have your life together, that is okay. I am 21 years old and am possibly changing my major for the seventh time! Do not rush growing up and having it all together, because it will happen when God's timing is right. I could have it so much worse than what I do, but here lately I have really felt like I could not ever do anything with my life because I couldn't figure out what I wanted to do. But that is okay!
I am probably the last one from my senior class that will graduate college, get engaged and have children because everyone has done or is in the process of each those things. It is okay, though! I realized that God's plan for me is far different than what it was for everyone else that I graduated with. Do not get me wrong, I still wish that I had it all figured out and knew what and where I was going in life, but I always have to remind myself that God is in control and has a plan for me.
It is not always easy to sit back and wait and see where God wants you next, but that is what I have had to do. I use the words "sit back and wait" very loosely. I have continued to live life and work hard in case that is how God wants to show me what I am meant to do! Some days are easier than others most definitely. Some days, I am just ready to know it all and be done trying and waiting, but I must trust God. I've gotten where I tell myself just about every morning, "Don't rush growing up." I have to.
Telling myself that and the constant reminder that God is in control helps me get through my days, whether good, bad or confusing, it helps. You will fail and you will succeed in life, and you will hurt and cry and laugh so much it hurts in life, but that is life. It is part of it. Do not be afraid to live, do not be afraid of what is to come, and do not rush growing up. It will all happen when God's plan takes place. Live your life for you! Everything will fall into place when it is meant to.