I've heard it said so many times; "Sometimes you have to let things go so there's room for better things to come into your life" but I never fully understood it. Why do you have to let things go so that you can have even better things? Why can't you keep both? This never made sense to me, and I spent so much time avoiding letting things go because I was too attached. However, throughout the past year, I've learned more and more about just how true this quote is. Letting things go is so hard, but it is so important. Whether its a toxic person, or even just letting go of what has been your normal for so long, in order to truly grow and continue to live your life, you need to leave some things in your past. It can be so unbelievably hard, and at first it might hurt more than anything, but it will get better, and so will you.
Making the decision to drop everything I had known for the past 18 years to go to school 7 hours away in Pennsylvania was one of the hardest things I've ever done, but it has helped me grow infinitely as a person. I've never been one to step far out of my comfort zone. I had the same friends, danced at the same studio, and went to school with the same people for a majority of my life. I grew so attached to it and the thought of letting it go was crazy to me. But slowly, as I thought about my future and what was necessary for me to grow into the person that I want to be, I knew that I would have to. I found Bucknell and instantly fell in love, and made the choice to leave everything that I had grown accustomed to to take on this new adventure, and I couldn't be more happy that I did it. I have met so many amazing people and had so many experiences that I couldn't get elsewhere. Letting go of my normal life to go out on a new adventure has led me to become more confident, independent, and mature. I can truly say that the hardships of leaving everything behind was worth it.
Another thing that has always been hard for me is letting go of people, for I become so attached to them. I spent almost everyday for 8 months hanging out with the same person, and slowly he went from being someone who was so good for my happiness to the reason I was unable to smile and actually mean it. I allowed him to stay in my life for so long simply because I was afraid to find out what my life would feel like without him in it. Even after we were no longer together we still talked everyday. Everyone around me noticed the unnecessary stress and hurt this brought into my life and continually told me I need to finally just let him go and move on with my life. It took me a long time, but I finally got the strength to, and I felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I could finally move on, leave all of that pain in my past and nothing has been better for both my confidence and happiness.
It can be seemingly impossible to let things go that have been such a huge part of your life, but it is so necessary and in the end, it will benefit you a lot more than it will hurt you.