I'm not sure why this anti-feminism sentiment even exists in 2016. To me, it seems barbaric. I'm writing this article to inform you: It is okay to consider yourself a feminist. It is okay to believe in equal rights.
Now let me start by saying, It is okay to like cooking, cleaning, and taking care of your husband and children. If a woman wants to be a stay at home mom and do all of those things, that is okay, if it is her choice. The point of feminism is not to demean the women who choose to take on traditional gender roles. The point of feminism is to make sure women have the choice to determine what they do with their life, and have an equal opportunity to do so as men.
It is okay to believe that being a woman should not limit you in life. Your sex should not confine you to a small box you are supposed to fit in, and stay there for the rest of your life. Being a woman should not subject you to only 79 cents for every dollar a man makes. Being a woman should not hold you back from certain job or education opportunities. You should not be treated as if you are lesser than a man, just because you are a woman.
Feminism is defined as: the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men. Notice that in this definition it does not say anywhere that to be a feminist you have to stop shaving your legs, burn all of your bras, and start hating men. This misconception began in the 1960s and is sadly still around today.
Do not be so closed-minded to think that feminism is all about shaming traditional gender roles, hatred for men, and female world domination. It explains it in the definition, plain and simple. It is not complicated and it is not hard to decide what side of the line you stand on. There is no grey area. It is 2016, and it simply comes down to this question: Do you believe in equality for women? I know I do.