Hey everyone, so this is something I have had on my mind and something that I feel is important to discuss. Especially when it comes to romantic relations and well, relationships of any kind.
Let's face it, dating to day seems to be an impossible task. With social media, living our lives to get "likes," and trying our best to fit in, I believe that people have drifted away from dating and have fallen into the pattern of partying and hook ups. But, not everyone agrees with this kind of lifestyle. Although there is nothing wrong with either, it comes down to personal preference.
However, in both situations I do believe it is important to always look out for yourself. Even if you have a big heart and tend to put others first. Do not let anyone tell you that you are being selfish and do not let them call you names just because you are doing what is right for you. That's not fair to you and it is such an untrue statement.
It is perfectly okay to be selfish. Particularly when it comes to your well being, mental health, and emotional state. You and your feelings are just as important as theirs. Do not let them fool you into thinking otherwise, they are toxic people if they act that way towards you anyways, they don't care about your overall well being.
Sometimes removing people can hurt you and it can be a very difficult thing to do, but in the long run will it better your life? Will you feel better about it? That's up to you to decide. Toxic people should not be a person to have in your life, including family members.
For people like me, with a big heart and loves to have friends and relationships, it can be very difficult to do this. It took me a long time to accept that I matter and sometimes the hurt is worth the amount of happiness and freedom I feel after removing those toxic people.
Life is already a hard thing to do. Being a young adult and figuring it all out, being broke, school, working jobs, and keeping up with social trends can be exhausting. So why spend the energy on those who don't care about you? Why pretend to be their friend knowing that they keep you from being happy or bringing you down? If you ask me, it's not worth it.
So please remember that it is okay to be selfish, do not let them make you think otherwise. You are important and deserve to be loved and treated with kindness too. You do not have to keep taking on everyone else's problems while internalizing yours. You matter.
So go out and be selfish, be happy, be joyful. The hurt of losing someone is worth the happiness you will feel later on. I promise.
Until next time,
Another ADHD Student