You hear that a lot, don’t you? You agree but deep down, you’re not okay with it.
That seems to be a common trend these days, especially when it comes down to loving yourself.
I want to start by saying that you loving yourself is by far the most important thing (next to loving Jesus). Sometimes, (most of the time) it’s easier to not focus on yourself and to distract yourself. I get that it is hard to love who you are and to accept your flaws. I understand that sometimes there are just days where you can’t get past all of the negative things about yourself. I understand that you hate that freckle on your face or those stretch marks on your thighs. I understand that someone probably does have it “better” than you (at least from the outside), but I also understand that many also have it a lot worse. I understand that you may have just lost the love of your life and everything seems lost. I understand that you just failed a test, but does that ONE test define who you are and how smart you are? of course not.
What I am trying to say is that it is okay to feel all of these things but to let these things depict your emotions and how you live your life is not okay. We have good days just like we have bad days, but how we deal with them is crucial. I don't know about you, but I want to be “okay;” in fact, I want to be great, but I know that I cant get there until 1) I learn to love myself and 2) become more optimistic and accepting.
I promise there are better days yet to come. days that you may have thought impossible or are “never gonna happen,” but who knows?!
I promise that you won’t always feel broken.
I promise that you will find a solid group of friends.
I promise that if you feel a little lost right now, that you will find yourself.
But you cannot give up.
If you hate where you are now, change it. It sounds easy and it actually is IF and WHEN you decide to change your lifestyle. Go take that hip hop class you’ve always wanted to take. Go on a hike. go drive around and blast The Chainsmokers or old Justin Bieber or Bon Jovi. Go eat that Big Mac without regrets. Just go. Do something that will make YOU happy.
Everything in your life IS indeed TEMPORARY, but you won’t feel any different or better if you stay in the same place. You will always be “not okay” or “just okay.” You don’t grow if you don’t find change.
So, what’s stopping you?