Going to college is a huge step in someones life. You've made it through high school (which we all know was pure hell at one point or another) and now you're off to college. It's expected that as a freshman, you'll get homesick. What people don't realize, is that even after freshman year, it's ok to still get homesick.
I'm a junior in college (ew) and I can honestly say, every fall semester, I get terribly homesick. Freshman year was really bad because I didn't get along with my roommates and it was the first time I'd ever really been away from home. Now, here were are, junior year and I'm counting down the days till Thanksgiving break because I'm homesick. Every year that I've been at school, I've been homesick at one point or another. And I'm sure I'll be homesick come senior year (also ew).
What I'm trying to say is, it doesn't matter what grade you're in at college, it's 100% ok to be homesick. People think it's only a freshman thing to be homesick. I promise it's not. Especially when you're someone like me, who is a family person and doesn't like change.
This isn't to say that I don't love being at college. I have a sense of freedom and independence here that I don't have at home. But being a home-y person and missing your family is ok too. Honestly, it's not just my family I miss, I miss driving down the street to get a good bagel, I miss my bed, my house, my cats. Especially my cats. Unless you have a pet, you'll never know how sad it is to wake up in the morning thinking your pet is on your bed and then they're not because you're at school and they're at home.
I feel like people frown upon being an upperclassman and being homesick. Well I'm here to tell you, it's perfectly ok. I love school and I love home. Home is familiar, home is what I've known since I was a kid. College, even though I'm a junior is still knew honestly.
At the end of the day, if you're homesick, don't just pretend it doesn't exist. Go home if you can. If you can't go home call/Skype your family because that's better than nothing. It'll be ok!