I am extremely "average." I'm a good student, but not an excellent one. Sometimes I'm a good singer, but other times I sound like a squeaky chair. I'm skinny fat. Middle Class. I have two parents, a brother and a dog. The list goes on. I've come to realize in the sense of the word, I am average.
As shown above, average is "a middle point between two extremes." I hear no trace of negative connotations in any parts of this definition. In fact, it just means everyone is in the same boat as you. We're all floating together in this life of uncertainty and most are doing about the same, and ya'know, that's kind of reassuring.
Just because its reassuring, doesn't mean that everyone should strive to be the same, the norm, or conform to what everyone else is doing. Step out of the box and live extraordinarily. We all strive to be above average, as we should, but if at the time you are at the "average," that is OK. There is nothing wrong with it. When everyone strives to be above average, the average will change. It will rise higher and higher. Average is just a label that we are given to use to help define a statistic. Facts and figures are all surface level and there is always a story behind them. Just because my eyes don't pierce the soul with one gaze, doesn't mean my grey/green eyes aren't pretty, in fact they even change with what I'm wearing, which is really cool. Just because my hair isn't like Selena Gomez's in that one Suave commercial, doesn't mean my brown/blonde hair doesn't have a special shine no one else's has. And to be perfectly honest all of that hair movement is enhanced by a computer, so even the beautiful Selena Gomez doesn't get on that hair level on an everyday basis. If you bother to look closely at the average person, they are completely and uniquely beautiful. That body may not be model skinny, but it's beautiful because of the dimples in it's back and the confidence it radiates. Someone's not perfect laugh could become what makes you want to wake up every morning. Your friend's modest lifestyle doesn't matter because when you see their face light up with joy in their work it makes them so much more interesting. (Side note: if you find someone that loves their job, ask them about it, they will be so happy and you will suddenly find yourself interested in what they have to say, even if its uninteresting.) Everything that is labeled "average" is actually amazing and worth getting to know. You just have to want to see it.
Of course, I am lucky. I live in a country that may have it's problems, but has indoor plumbing, opportunities for education, base level civil rights (would love more but that's a different topic for a different time), and where the majority of people have a place to sleep at night. My "average" is amazing. Not all others have a high average like we do. Average isn't bad and in a place like this, our average is considered to be an ideal in other places around the world. Complaining about "average" won't change anything. And if you've ever taken a statistics course you will know that no one piece of data is truly the same. Average is just a way to define a group. Being "average" doesn't define who you are, you are so much more than that.