College comes around, you move out of your house, and, suddenly, you have all the freedom in the world. When this happens, many teens, at the time, turn into a crazy partier. They go out Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and maybe even Saturday night. If you are capable of doing all this, staying healthy, and keeping up with your school work, all the power to you. Personally, I could never. I have never been a partier and that’s totally fine with me.
My freshman year of college, I will admit, I went out more than I was personally comfortable with. It was all about the experience, and going out to meet new people. This was nothing but a phase for me. Once I found a good group of friends, I didn’t feel the need to go out every night or even every weekend.
Basically, I like to use the term getting college out of my system. Not that college is all about partying and going out, but some people do see it as a necessity. I, on the other hand, disagree.
I don’t hate people that go out every weekend, or anything relatively close to that, but personally, it isn’t for me. It is possible for college to still be the best four years of your life, without going out every weekend.
Not going out is a choice I choose to make. I don’t care to go to a party in a small apartment, with dozens of people, and sweating the entire night. This is not appealing to me because, well, crowds of people make me completely nervous and uncomfortable. I hate being in small places with multiple people because it is difficult to breathe, and I like my personal space.
Drinking is also something that is not a necessity in my life. I am one of those people that do not need to drink in order to have a good time. I am perfectly capable of having a good time without being drunk.
There are so many other ways to have a good time in college that don’t involve alcohol and dozens of people. Personally, I love sitting on the couch with ice cream, and if available, a dog, and watching Netflix. Even, a small get together with a few friends, just hanging out, seems like a better night to me, than a wild night out.
I am here to tell you that it is completely okay not to party all the time in college. If going out all the time doesn’t make you completely happy, but rather, a little comfortable, then it might not be for you. I promise there are other people that feel the same way. Going out and partying isn’t the only thing that makes college an experience.