With such an iconic movie like Mean Girls, I feel as though there is a better tradition than October 3rd and everyone wearing pink on Wednesday so here are some national hoildays that deserve more appreciation than October 3rd.
January 2nd: National Run Up the Flagpole and See if Anyone Salutes Day
January 4th: National Spaghetti Day
January 11th: National Jump in a Puddle and Splash Your Friends Day
January 21st: National Hugging Day
February 4th: Thank a Mailman Day
February 9th: National Pizza Day
February 14th: National Ferris Wheel Day
February 28th: National Public Sleeping Day
March 5th: National Multiple Personality Day
March 14th: National Pi (3.14) Day
March 10th: National Middle Name Pride Day
March 23rd: National Puppy Day
April 2nd: National PB&J Day
April 5th: National Dandelion Day
April 18th: National High Five Day
April 26th: National Hug an Australian Day
May 5th: National Free Comic Book Day (1st Sunday in May)
May 8th: National No Socks Day
May 11th: National Eat What You Want Day
May 14th: National Dance Like a Chicken Day
June 1st: National Doughnut Day (first Friday of June)
June 4th: Hug Your Cat Day
June 21st: National Selfie Day
June 22nd: Bring Your Dog to Work Day
July 11th: National Cheer Up the Lonely Day
July 14th: National Nude Day
July 18th: National Hot Dog Day
July 24th: National Tequila Day
August 8th: National Sneak Some Zucchini onto Your Neighbor's Porch Day
August 13th: National Left Hander's Day
August 17th: National Thrift Store Day
August 30th: National Frankenstein Day
September 6th: Read a Book Day
September 12th: National Chocolate Milkshake Day
September 19th: National Talk Like a Pirate Day
September 28th: National Ask a Stupid Question Day
October 5th: World's Smiles Day (first Friday of October)
October 8th: American Touch Tag Day/ National Tag Day
October 10th: National Take Your Teddy Bear to Work Day
October 19th: National Evaluate Your Life Day
November 1st: National Men Make Dinner Day
November 15th: National Philanthropy Day
November 17th: World Peace Day
November 24th: All Our Uncles are Monkeys Day
December 4th: National Wear Brown Shoes Day
December 7th: National Cotton Candy Day
December 16th: National Chocolate Covered Anything Day
December 31st: Unlucky Day
Check out more weird and interesting holidays here