It seems like everything is going wrong and everyone is mad at you. Your whole world is crashing down on you and you alone. Nothing is going the way you planned it to and you feel as if you aren't good enough for anything. It's okay. Your world is not over, you are good enough, and things are going to get better.
So things aren't going the way you planned or wanted them to go? That is okay. Things happen in our lives that we have no control over. We have no way of changing them or preparing for them. They just happen. What we can control is how we react and what we do after. React to the horrible thing that happened. It's okay to cry and to show that you're upset. Never be ashamed of your emotions. Stop bottling that up, it's going to make you feel worse. Take that sadness, that emotion, and turn it into a solution. Do not let things ruin your life. Everything is temporary, even the pain you feel. It will subside and you can learn how to adapt.
You are good enough. ALWAYS. Stop thinking you aren't. And chances are, you're the only one who thinks that. You are good enough for that man/woman, you are good enough for that job, that college, that class. You will always be good enough. Just because you were not chosen for something doesn't mean you aren't enough, that just means that you weren't right for it. And there is nothing wrong with that, but never think that it's because you weren't ever enough. You were too much and you need to start believing that.
It is not you against the world. It is you against yourself. Be on your own team and root for yourself because if you don't, who else can you count on? Be kind to yourself, please. You deserve kindness, you deserve happiness. Things get rough and you will get hurt, there is no stopping that. But please do not let yourself be one of those things. The world is here for you, now you have to start being there for yourself too.