We live in a world where expensive items are the most desired items. Many people strive to own name-brand items such as clothes, shoes and bags. Celebrities and other people of wealth tend to set an unrealistic standard of what one's closet should look like. A majority of said closets are full of designer things. Because fans and the public often tend to strive to be like their favorite celebrity or idol, they feel the need to replicate their style, which often includes spending a pretty penny on an item for its name. However, people tend to forget that a name-brand doesn't make an outfit. How you wear your clothes is what makes the outfit.
The truth about the world of fashion is that not every item is completely unique. Many designer items have similar looking items in many affordable stores that are popular such as, Forever 21, Urban Outfitters, Topshop and more. Though the option of buying these items from "lesser" stores may seem like the latter to some people, to others it is the greatest because you can achieve a designer look on a budget. I am a huge fan of look-alike items for the reason that I cannot afford designer items but have designer style from time to time.
The saying, "It's not what you wear, it's how you wear it" holds a great truth to it. You make the clothes, clothes do not make you. A top that looks beautiful on one girl may not look as aesthetically pleasing on several others. This is because everyone is responsible for making the outfit their own by wearing it in a way that suits them. It's also helpful adding accessories to the mix. There are no two ways of wearing an item that will be alike. Wearing clothes that please you in this way not only help to improve your fashion sense but also help to boost your self confidence.
People often fear criticism from others when they admit that certain articles of clothing or accessories are from a "cheap" place. Do not fear the criticism! If you're happy with you're outfit, that's all that matters. At the end of the day, it truly is how you wear your clothes, not what you wear.