I know we all try to play hard to get, not be pushy, and protecting their reputation but these things really don't hurt you. They can actually just help you, to an extent. We are all after that one guy to give us all the attention we desire but have you ever thought that they'd like some attention as well? Some girls really overthink a lot and should consider just be themselves. If you can't act like yourself around someone, why waste your time? If he can't accept you as you, don't waste your time because they don't deserve you. These things have become such a worry for girls when they really shouldn't be.
1. Text him first.
I get it, you want him to text you so you know he wants to talk to you and cares about you. Have you ever thought that he might also want the same thing? It's pretty sad that our generation considers this a way of showing you care for one another. If you believe this, text them first. They will love it! Don't do it all the time, but every once in a while does not hurt. If they are your guy friends, they will not care! If they are interested in you, they will probably appreciate it. We put a lot of pressure on guys to text us first, but when you think about it... Why? It's pretty silly of all of us. It's a text message! If you like him, make an effort!
2. Watching his snapchat in a timely manner.
Who cares if you are on your phone when you get a snapchat from him? Open it. You don't have to wait 36 minutes to open it. He doesn't think you're sitting around waiting for this snapchat, our generation is always on their phones. Not a big deal! Open it and reply. Playing hard to get can only get you so far.
3. Replying fast to a text message.
Those read receipts will get ya! I get it, we don't want to look like we are just waiting on that text but if you are on your phone already why not just reply? Why wait 7 minutes to reply and then complain when we finally do reply, and he takes 3 minutes to reply? We are crazy sometimes! It's really not a big deal, you're in a conversation, you are both well aware that you are expecting a text from each other, just reply in a timely manner.
4. Acting interested.
We all love when guys go out of their way to act interested in us. Wow, we're pretty needy to be honest! We love a sweet little text telling us to have a good day, or really anything along those lines. We appreciate the random candy, flowers, visits at work, starbucks, etc. Why can't we return the favor? I am sure that most guys would love a little something to show that you are interested in them. Not saying to go all out on a gift basket but a cute encouraging text when he is having a bad day, anything along those lines would show interest.
I understand all these things may seem risky but when you think about it, we expect it from them? Show them you care for them and it'll get you further than you think. Don't worry about about them talking about you to their friends or fraternity brothers, you definitely aren't annoying. You are just different from any other girl. You show interest and are confident in what you are trying to pursue. Good luck girl, you can do it!