Before you continue, I want to make it clear that this is not a political article. Aren't we all tired of them yet? This country is in quite a bit of turmoil, yes? Millions of people are upset about who won the presidential election. I mean, people were literally sobbing over it. High school students staged a walk out. People were protesting. Is that what this country has come to these days? Is that really necessary? Just because the candidate you wanted to win didn't make it, doesn't mean it's the end of the world. There are plenty of things to still be happy about if you're in deep despair over this presidential election. For example, you can be happy that you live in a country where you can openly express your views and opinions without being persecuted.
Most importantly, how about the fact that no matter who is president, God is ultimately the one in control. Not only is He over America, but the entire universe- all the skies, seas, mountains, animals, people, you name it. He has had this planned out long before you and I were even considered. God will never forsake us. Isn't it nice to know that He's always there whenever you need Him and even when you think you don't?
Another reason to be happy is that you're here and you're making it. You're alive, and hopefully, you're well and successful. You're still trucking along in your everyday life. You have a family who loves you and supports you. You have a job. You have someone to tell your about day and share laughs with.
Let's not forget that it's holiday season now and it's finally starting to get cold! Thanksgiving is only a week away. That means Christmas is only 5 weeks away. You get to spend time with your loved ones and maybe family you haven't seen in years. It's time to bring on the holiday cheer, family gatherings, parties, all the great food and presents.
So instead of moping around and making yourself more miserable, think about reasons you can still be thankful and joyful. You can't change what happened, so just accept it. Even if you're happy about who won the election, it's important to spread love and happiness because we know this country needs it more than anything.