"Humans buy me. Humans over breed me. Humans cut my ears off. Humans beat me. Humans make me fight. And I'm the one they want to ban? I'm the one with the bad rep? I'm the one you fear?" - Anonymous
There has been a breed-specific ban on Pit Bulls for over ten years now, and I am so over it. I am sick and tired of seeing people put labels on this one specific breed, putting them down just because of how they look, and viewing them as this negative plague in society.
Pit Bulls are not the vicious attack dogs that social media hypes them up to be. Sorry to tell you that, but it's true. If a Pit Bull is going to attack you, it's going to attack you with kisses; and a lot of them. Pit Bulls are incredibly affectionate, loyal and intelligent. They are also extremely stubborn and hard-headed, so it takes a smart and patient owner to train one. They are extremely people-friendly, but the media won't tell you that.
The media focuses on the bad stories; the stories about the owner abusing and hurting the animal to a point of hatred towards them. The stories the media will share are similar in the fact that those dogs had terrible owners. They didn't raise their dog with love and patience. They abused them and trained them to attack. After years of abuse and neglect, what dog wouldn't snap? You could put any breed of dog with a terrible owner and they are going to become vicious. It is not the dog's fault.
These bans should not be in place for Pit Bulls, but rather for the criminals who own them and treat them with disrespect. Dogs are loving beings in general. It's all in the way you raise them and show them the kind of love that they give you. Any dog, not just a Pit Bull, can be vicious, and can attack.
There are many dogs in shelters that have been labeled Pit Bulls just because of how they look, but honestly Pit Bulls have been so overbreed and mixed, that a lot of dogs get labeled falsely. A large number of these shelters are also killing-shelters and multiple dogs get put down everyday. It's heartbreaking, especially since these dogs don't get adopted because of the label they have been given. People are so afraid of owning a "vicious" animal and in return these animals are left unloved and on death row.
So instead of banning one specific breed, we should be locking down on the criminals who are abusing these beautiful creatures to the point of attacking; they are raising them for terrible purposes. It makes me so upset that people fear my dog the second they hear she is a Pit Bull mix. They ask me if she's safe. My dog is honestly afraid of her own shadow, and the thought of her attacking someone is seriously laughable.
People have this terrible image in their head of the breed, and it's time we put an end to it. Pit Bulls are family dogs, safe around children, caring, strong, and they are extremely great companions. You won't find a more loyal animal than a Pit Bull. So let's put an end to these labels. Let's stop sharing these stories about a "vicious Pit Bull attack." All dogs can attack and all dogs can be vicious, it is not just a Pit Bull that has that ability. It is all about how you raise your dog. Stop bullying the breed and take a look at the hand that is feeding them.