"you do not have to be pretty if you don’t want to. it is not your job”
― Caitlyn Siehl
Women were not put on this planet for superficial reasons. It is not our job to wake up early, put black gunk on our eyelashes, paint our lips unnatural colors, and coat pink powder onto our cheeks. There is nothing that says we need to make sure our hair is as smooth as silk, soft as a cloud, and as graceful and flowing as a waterfall. It is not mandatory for us to wear clothes that show off our body's best assets or slide our feet into sky-high heels. We were not put on this earth to be pretty and nothing else.
I don't know about the rest of you, but I can offer way more to this world than how I look. Yes, I like making my eyelashes thick, long, and black, but I do it because I want to, not because anyone else tells me to. I dress in clothes that make me feel confident, not because I want to impress anyone, but because I want to look my best for myself. If we choose to do these things by our doing, perfect. If we do these things because we feel it's demanded by society or our significant other or our boss, we're doing it for the wrong reasons.
It's not our job to be pretty according to society's standards.
We have brains, we have hearts, and we have souls that give us the capability to do far more than we know. We are capable of more than men and society give us credit for. Our job in this world is to be a decent human being. "Being pretty" is not our purpose in life. "Being pretty" is not a compliment you should value. "Being pretty" is not something we should strive for.
Being smart,
These are traits worth valuing. "Being pretty" should not be a goal. Loving yourself should be a goal. Making this world better should be a goal. Just because you're a woman does not mean you need to be pretty or even care to be pretty. It does not mean you have to alter the outside of your body for male satisfaction nor society's satisfaction. I have many goals and many dreams, and none of them involve being pretty.
In this ever-changing world, in this society filled to the brim with "models," with "likes," with photoshop, with unnatural, insulting, and degrading expectations of what women should look like, dare to give society the finger. Dare to care about more than being pretty. Dare to believe that being pretty is such a petty, insulting, and insignificant thing to be in this world.
Being pretty is not our damn job.