A big hooah and congratulations to the first females, Capt. Kristen Geist and 1st Lt. Shaye Haver, who successfully completed the U.S. Army’s Ranger school and received their Ranger tabs. Not only did they prove to themselves and their peers that they could make it through, they also proved to the entire nation that women are just as capable as men. The two women completed the same course set to the same standards as their other male peers, even though many people questioned otherwise. Maj. Gen. Scott Miller, commanding general of the U.S. Army Maneuver Center of Excellence, set the record straight by stating, “standards are still the same ... a five-mile run is still a five-mile run. Standards do not change. A 12-mile march is still a 12-mile march."
These two women have further proven that women are just as capable as men. Women should not be looked down upon or discouraged if they want to do something that is considered to be a “man’s thing." In the society we live in today, there is still too much gender inequality. It’s not necessarily laws or bills that show the gender inequality; rather, it is the values of people in our society. There are still classifications being put into place by average people that certain things, hobbies, jobs, etc. are only for men. If a woman wanted to play football, she would be looked at strangely by society because it’s a “man’s sport." Or, if a woman wanted to buy a truck, she would be told to go with something smaller because trucks are big and for men.
If you are a woman and want to buy a truck, buy a truck. If you want to play football, play football. If you want to become an Army Ranger, push yourself and do it. Don’t let others (especially men) tell you that you can’t just because you are a girl. And especially don’t let them tell you that you are any less of a woman just because you want to do something that isn’t all pretty and pink. That is an absurd way of thinking, considering it is 2015 and women should be treated equally by now.
First Lt. Shaye Haver and Capt. Kristen Geist represent the strength and willpower women have to push themselves just as hard as men. Shout out to the women out there who won’t take no for an answer just because they are females. Women should do whatever they want to do; women should not let people get them down and tell them that they aren’t strong enough or tough enough because they are women. Women are strong and can do that “manly” thing better than a man, and they probably look hotter doing it as well. Shout out to the women who stand their ground and refuse to give up and continuously show the strength women have in all things we pursue. Lastly, shout out to the two amazing female Army Rangers for being inspirational and empowering to women across our nation.