An estimated 64% of Christians leave their faith at some point in in their college years. That’s roughly 6 in every 10 high school graduates walking away from the Church and Christianity every single year. Why is this? Is it modern music? T.V. and movies? The satanic invention of technology (totally kidding)? The reasons are broad and sometimes wild, but overall usually totally legitimate and personal. As Christians, it’s not our job to stop people from abandoning their faith, but to encourage them in their walk with Christ. And I, apparently someone who is good at this whole advice-giving thing, have a few ways to do just that.
Stay in Community
When God says to stay in community, He doesn’t mean attend a church service for an hour once a week and let that be it. In Ephesians 4:2, Paul writes, “always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love.” God’s desire for us is to stay in community. Seek out believers that will hold you accountable, hold you to a higher standard without judgement, love on you, pray for you, and just be present for you. This is especially so important for college students. It would be so easy for us to give in to in and all temptation under stress, but it is so essential to have a group of people to rally behind you and encourage you. Personally, I found this in my sorority sisters. Not only have they always held me to the highest standard, but they also encourage me and are just there for me.
Stay In the Word
Bible Verse of the Day? Great. Notepads and planners with Bible verses scribbled on them? Also great. But what are you learning about God when you happen to absent-mindedly glance at this verses? Not to say that there’s anything wrong with daily scripture, but the Word is so much deeper, sweeter, and meaningful than just that. To truly get to know God, you have to be intentional with reading His word. Joshua 1:8 reads, “study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do.” For some, this means doing daily devotionals. For others, this may mean listening to podcasts and attending Bible studies. Regardless of what works for you, the root is the same—to get to know God.
Pray About It
Sounds easy enough, right? That’s because it really is that easy. Communicating with God doesn’t have to be a planned event with you kneeling by your bed with candles lit. (But if that’s what works for you, go for it.) Prayer can be something as simple as just praying in your head as you walk to class or verbally speaking to God as you drive down the road. God even tells us in Jeremiah 29:12, “in those days when you pray, I will listen.” God truly hears our prayers—big and small. He so desires a relationship with all His children, and without communication, there really isn’t any sort of relationship.
And now I leave you with this one last tip: “Always put your faith in God.” (Hosea 12:6)