It's not Bambi
It's a deer
And it represents what I went through to get here
Fighting everyday
To get away
But there not much else to say
Other than
I'm okay
I can run through this forest as many times as I can
Before I get sick and tired of the same trails
The same land
Wondering every time why I don't take a different path
Because this is the only path
I've taken
For the past
God knows how my years
So no, it's not Bambi
It's a doe
And it represents what I live for
Because a doe will hold her head high
And will thank the sky
For every day she's able to walk by
And no hunter should hunt her
After seeing
What she's been through
To protect herself
From you
But you still shot her down when she was her most vulnerable
You chased her when she tried to run
You put the arrow right through her heart
And as she laid there
Holding onto her life
You ripped it from her chest
And you killed her
No, it's not Bambi
It's a fawn
Waking up at the crack of dawn
To get away
To find somewhere safe
Because it knows it's hunted
And it lives in fear
But it's learned that is what it's like to be a deer
But it's happy
So no, it's not Bambi
It's me
Because for the first time in years
I am finally fucking free