Most customers are great …
Most clients are great, and yes only a few are prats, but the most important thing is to not let it ruin your day. We can all have an off day, when our frustrations get the better of us, none the less we don't take it out on other people nor do we threaten or bully.
As a sensitive there is nothing worse than seeing a client in pain, you are right in there with them, willing them the strength and the courage to push forward on their life's pathway. I have to say with my hand on my heart how genuinely wonderful and how blessed I am with the clients I have. They are just simply lovely and truly a joy to work with.
But there are clients that are simply Toxic
"What's a Toxic Client?" You ask.
A Toxic Client can never be pleased, their expectations can never be met. They can be rude, threatening and or abusive. They make unreasonable demands (eg: demanding free services "I had a reading with you five years ago, now can you tell me this or I will …."). These toxic clients are quick to threaten to complain about you on social media sites if you don't do this or that.
These clients are toxic to your business and toxic to you, they steal your time and attention from the genuinely nice 99% of clients that truly benefit and value what you deliver. By doing business with these toxic clients they are stealing your time and energy. Time and energy that you're clients would appreciate.
Don't let it ruin your day.
I know it's hard when you have had a personal attack and of course the confusion, fear, frustrations and injustice of it all. On top of that, they have just threatened to destroy you as a person and or your business. As a sensitive you would be shaking, reeling from the assault and looking for the nearest duvet to dive under, your confidence hanging by your ankles your ego in shreds. A blow like that can really affect you … if you let it.
It's not about you it's about them. Angry words say more about the person who speaks them than they do about the poor individual they are targeted at. Yes, you are simply not responsible for another person's behaviour just as you can not control another person's thoughts. But you can control you. What is liberating is the knowledge that It's not about you it about them. Sure the attack was hugely unpleasant but it doesn't have to damage your self-esteem. Let it go.
If they wish to bad mouth you and your business let them. Anyone who knows them will understand exactly who they are.